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FLORIST CHOICE BOUQUET : You are so inspirational to me - Large

FLORIST CHOICE BOUQUET : You are so inspirational to me - Large


This bouquet will be a florist choice bouquet. This comprises of a stunning selection of colours and flower varieties chosen by the florist, perfect to say "you are so inspirational to me" to that special lady in your life. Every flower is chosen to the highest quality and standard.


The image is to showcase a similar bouquet to the one that you will receive.

Please note that I may have to substitute blooms due to seasonal availability. But these will always be to the same quality and standard.


These items are for Mother's Day only so please only order from this collection if you would like your flowers for Friday 28th or Saturday 29th March. We do not deliver on Sundays so, please select the Friday or Saturday. If you would like to collect your order please make a note with an estimated collection time between 3.30pm and 4.30pm for Saturday 29th March.


The collection address is Unit 1, The Milking Parlour, Longford Hall Farm, Ashbourne, DE6 3DS.


If this item is for a gift, please include a note for the card.


If you have any specific requirements please get in touch.


The bouquet in the image is a small bouquet.

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